Config Manager
Listen all interface
Modify config file:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml
[[email protected]]# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml
Change Storage Location
Modify config file:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml
[[email protected]]#
User Manager
Create Admin User
Uncomment the access_management
[[email protected]]# cat /etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml
<!-- User can create other users and grant rights to them. -->
<!-- <access_management>1</access_management> -->
Add normal user
[[email protected]]# CREATE USER zhangsan IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'password' DEFAULT ROLE ALL;
[[email protected]]#
Login with password
[[email protected]]# clickhouse-client -h --user zhangsan --ask-password
Grant permissions
- execute with
[[email protected]]# GRANT * ON prometheus TO zhangsan;
Database manager
Create database
[[email protected]]# CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS prometheus;
Show database
[[email protected]]# show DATABASES;
Change database
[[email protected]]# use prometheus;
Table manager
Create Table
[[email protected]]# CREATE TABLE time_series (\
date Date,\
fingerprint UInt64,\
labels String\
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree\
ORDER BY fingerprint;
CREATE TABLE samples (\
fingerprint UInt64,\
timestamp_ms Int64,\
value Float64\
ENGINE = MergeTree\
PARTITION BY toDate(timestamp_ms / 1000)\
ORDER BY (fingerprint, timestamp_ms);
View table
[[email protected]]# show TABLES;