
Vim: Caught deadly signal ABRT 
Vim: Finished. 
Abort trap: 6


This ticket is quite old, but since it keeps getting referenced I thought I'd give some insight in how to use YCM with vim compiled from MacPorts (same probably applies to Homebrew). As previously noted in this ticket, building YCM against a different Python version than vim itself can cause problems.

We can switch the version of Python used by YCM in a few spots:

YCM actually tries hard to get this right using function python_finder in install.sh. This will, however, not work correctly, if your custom python- configtool is not in $PATH when installing YCM. For MacPorts, you should sudo port select --set python python27 (or whatever version you used to compile vim) to fulfill this requirement. If you want to restore your previous setting afterwards, check what it was using port select --list python (it's the one marked active).


If you got Python installed using Homebrew, before doing YouCompleteMe installation, unlink it

brew unlink python

然后再 build 一遍。



在重新安装过 YCMD 之后重现这个问题,解决方法就是和上面的一样,不过之前没说清楚,正确是应该是:

brew unlink python

然后重新 build 一遍 YCMD,而不是 VIM!!!

