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Git flow: A non-perfect git workflow

Git has become a popular version control tool. Git is very simple and leaves a lot of room for users, so a number of standard workflows have emerged.In this article, i will introduce a popular workflow: git flow.

How Prometheus Implement Alert

I didn't want to read this code, but recently I wanted to solve the problem that after Prometheus reboot, the alarm is automatically resolved, and then wait for a certain period of time before triggering again. Then I looked at the implementation of the alarm block in passing, and the logic is quite simple, and I finished it in 2 or 3 hours.

Setup REST API in Wordpress

Recently I've been trying to play with Wordpress and found that it's still a bit of a long way to go after all these years, and now there are other ways of doing things besides the XML-RPC way, one of which is the natively supported REST API, which I'll document here.

Kombu Source Code Analysis:Part 5

We've basically talked about the direction of Kombu's source code, but there are still some asynchronous implementations that we haven't looked at yet.

Kombu Source Code Analysis:Part 4

We've covered all of Kombu's incoming and outgoing messages in the previous few articles, and it seems like there's not much left to cover. But, in fact, in our quick walk through of the code, we've missed some very important things, one of which is how the asynchronous operation of fetching messages is implemented.

Kombu Source Code Analysis:Part 2

We've covered the first Kombu source code analysis, but we haven't really gotten into the code yet.

Kombu Source Code Analysis:Part 3

In the last article, we introduced you to a simple code for Consumer. This article continues with the code for Producer, which is much simpler than Consumer, so it will be easier for you to read.

Kombu Source Code Analysis:Part 1

This is the first part of the first half of the Celery source analysis series - Kombu source code analysis, which introduces the Kombu source code overview and some concepts.

Upgrade linux kernel in CentOS

For those of you who follow my blog, you may remember that I've been using CentOS for a long time, but with the updates of Linux Kernal and CentOS itself, my local kernel has become a bit old, so some of the new features and software don't work properly, so I decided to upgrade Kernal, this article will document the process of upgrading Kernal and the solutions to the problems I encountered.

Install python3.8 in CentOS

Those of you who are used to using CentOS should have the feeling that even the latest CentOS 7.8 comes with a version of Python that is still Python 2.7, for a number of complicated reasons, but in any case, this is more or less inconvenient for us to use on a regular basis. The requirement to be Python 3.5 or higher is a bummer, so in this article I'm going to go over some of the things I did to install the latest version of Python 3 inside my new CentOS.